Monday, June 05, 2006

World to explore

For haiku lovers One Deep Breath


susanlavonne said...

wonderful! thank you.

Jennifer S. said...

what a special discovery, love your haiku. thanks for joining us today.

Becca said...

What a poignant photo and haiku. Thank you for sharing a very touching "deep breath."

Elizabeth Krecker said...

Hi! I stopped by because I loved your portrait - which I saw on Jess O'riley's blog. I like your art and poetry even better!


silverlight said...

Cute pic. Sweet, fuzzy fledglings.
Fitting Haiku.
Little ones, they grow so fast.

Endment said...

Ah - the exploration of life... we all explore on untried wings - your photo and words - open so many thoughts
Thank you

Cate said...

This is fabulous! I love your haiku! What a delightful read! And I love the picture that you paired with it!

LauraHinNJ said...

Very sweet combination of words and pic.

Kara said...

this makes me happy - your poem and your photo.