Pow- pow -pow our super heroes had powerful punches! Changed the world, and were unbeatable. When I was little I thought grownups were like that all powerful .I couldn’t wait to grow up and be all powerful also with my own grown up powers, even though I am grown up there is still a child inside of me that doesn’t feel powerful. In spite of my grown up powers. Its that part of me that says if I were powerful I could stop a war or two, stop world hunger, house the homeless and I cant fix those problems. They are to big for me to fix alone, but I can see that the world is a better place since I’ve been here I can make a difference.
This is my contribution to this weeks Sunday Scribblings
Its refreshing to see so many people writing about wishful powers to make this world a better place...we all need to just do our part, and it will make a difference, it sure will.
Very harmonious post, this!
I think all the time about the fact that I never feel grown-up. When anything bad happens I want my mum......and I'm sure I always will. Good post.
the only thing you will ever be able to truly control is you... the only power you will ever really have is the power you have over yourself.. if you are sure that your course is beyond reproach,, and you are proud of the life you are living and the effect your life is having on the things around you... you can in fact say you are that powerful......
if everyone believes in their own powers for good and we all join together we would be very powerful indeed
All I can say is: double ditto to paisley's comment.
I think we all have that little person inside that feels powerless. Nice post, nice post!
I was just thinking that i could use a "super hero" now and then :)
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