Thursday, September 20, 2007


An artist and a mother I was born in California and live in New York.
I am a searcher. I am searching for moments of magic and enchantment to savor; I want to hold them in essence on paper to remember again. I believe in spirituality the beauty and love of God, but am leery of religion. I want to live each day without fear; something at which I often fail. Sometimes I feel alittle bit like Mr.Magoo kind of lost and not sure where I am going, but I have hope in rainbows, the magic of spring rain, finding a seashell on the beach, a baby’s smile and the eternal hope of love and a better world. I am grateful for the love of family and the kindness of friends and strangers. I believe that by kindness, support, encouragement and love, one person at a time, we can create moments of healing. My ability to enjoy and experience these things comes through my art and poetry. I believe in the power of creativity to heal the mind and soul and body. I believe that the arts enrich our hearts, health and souls. I love the arts even the ones I find challenging. I believe in the power of art and love to heal. Fullness of life freedom of expression comes through my art, writing and poetry. I diligently search for serenity but it most often it finds me in unexpected moments

This is my contribution to this weeks Sunday Scribblings


Crafty Green Poet said...

this really spoke to me, lovely, thanks!

ANA said...

very well written.

Yvonne Michelle said...

Serenity now! It is a bit like trying to catch sunbeams - but when it lands on your shoulder, it fills you to the brim.

Jo said...

I really loved this piece.....I feel uplifted!

paisley said...

thank you for sharing this inter most part of yourself with us.....

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, true, beauty within!

Patois42 said...

Wonderful thoughts you've put down on "paper." I like your thought of creating moments of healing, one person at a time.

Anonymous said...

Great piece. Very positive.

Anonymous said...

"I am searching for moments of magic and enchantment to savor; I want to hold them in essence on paper to remember again. I believe in spirituality the beauty and love of God, but am leery of religion."

Yes, yes, exactly.
I love this piece. It's wonderful.

GreenishLady said...

What a beautifully-expressed credo. This comes through in your writing, but it is wonderful to see it expressed like this.

awareness said...

Absolutely lovely......I feel the captured the essence of humanity and spirituality......and the search for inner harmony.

Perhaps serenity is felt when we feel a moment of grace?

Tumblewords: said...

Lovely! One person at a time - that's what it's all about!