Friday, February 10, 2006


Meme Artist Way---

1. Four wishes dreams and desires
a. I wish I felt brave enough to travel alone
b. Wish I could find a writers’ group I could join.
c. Wish I felt good enough to teach an art course.
d. Wish I had an apartment in Manhattan.
e.Wish for serenity harmony light and joy for all.
f.Wish I could visit my family in Texas.
g.Wish I knew whats the point whats the meaning of life?
h.Wish for a cat.
i.Wish for another baby
j.wish to be musical
You must have noticed that this is more than four but after I finnished my list I thought since I am wishing why stop at four.
2. Four Imaginary Lives
a. A Beach Bum
b. Naturalist
c. Botanist
d. Writer
e. a snowbird
f.a puppet maker
3. Four things I should change
a. My weight
b. Walk more
c. Decorate my room
d. Paint more
4. Four people I admire
a. Candi – grace poise vibrancy – she has a beautiful spirit
b. My brothers DK because of his endurance his ability to accomplish things and the way he can always find the answer to anything I want to know. WB because of his calmness,and his compassion.
c. My dad – the way he is calm and the he makes a difference in the world
d. Peter Goldbeck - makes a difference in peoples lives
5. Four things I like about The Artist Way
a. The morning pages – I hate doing them – but they make me more creative and I get used to them the more I do them
b. Reminds me to relax about things and encourages me to try new things
c. Inspiration of the AW community.
d. So many great blogs to read.
6. Four things I still hope to get out of the Artist Way
a. Write more
b. Community with other creatives
c. Inspiration
d. Creativity

Now I am going to tag: Myhealing journey, Changingplaces, Blue Dog, Endment

1 comment:

GreenishLady said...

Hi. Thanks for playing along. Snowbird? - That's someone who goes where the sunshine is when winter comes around? - I'm with you on that. Might get to live that one yet.