Friday, February 16, 2007

Starting Finding Water

Well its been a while since I’ve posted most of the time I’ve been staying at a friends apartment in Manhattan only drawback is the wireless connection Which does interfere with my bloging I’ve been going to acupuncture three times a week which has been making a difference for me.
Tomorrow is the beginning of the blogging group finding water at

I have hesitation over having signed up wondering if I will be able to keep up with the group. I have finished the first 28 pages the prologue and the Basics, reviewing artist dates, morning pages, and walks occasionally I still go on artist dates, I walk regularly but morning pages, I have let the morning pages completely slide they are always a challenge for me especially as I am not a morning person, but I will give them a try again.


Leah said...

hey, harmony, i'm not a morning person either and i've found that it can be just as effective to call them "daily pages" and get them done when you can. yes, morning is ideal, but if that doesn't work, it's better to just do it at another point in the day!! :-)

Jessie said...

I'm wishing you luck and happiness, despite the reluctance to start. ;) I was feeling it this morning too...but I was amazed by how much better I felt once I actually got going. Happy Day 1 to you!

Endment said...

Your work is inspiring... You have a gift of saying the things I don't have the courage to say... Keep sharing your voice!

z-silverlight said...

morning, evening. Who cares. Adjust it to your lifestyle.
Don't be afraid to have your own opinions, or ideas.
Have a nice journey as you navigate the water. and have fun.