Saturday, October 20, 2007


Leaves, brown, falling, acorns, squirrels, migration, geese, pumpkins, corn, cranberries, nuts, Halloween, golden, orange, rust…I think of fall I think of autumn leaves I think to me that’s what fall is all about the leaves orange, red, apricot, yellow bright glowing colors of the leaves that and hot apple cider although somehow the apple cider doesn’t taste as good as I expect it to this year the leaves aren’t as bright and colorful as usual some yellows and golds, browns but almost no orange or red the colors are disappointing so far this year.


z-silverlight said...

Not much color here too. Takes a sharp sustained frost.
Brown is just dismal.

Endment said...

Here's hoping as fall progresses you will see more color. Your area is just about to reach peak color this coming week - Don't know what to say about blah applecider though... Guess you have to go back to iced tea or lemon aid :)

kerrdelune said...

Sigh, one of those autumns where there weren't enough brilliant sunny days and cold nights to activate anthocyanin in the leaves and turn them red instead of yellow and brown. I'm already hoping for a brilliant autumn next year....

Endment said...

I am hoping you will post some more soon - you are being missed - but for now You are being tagged to participate in a meme Seven Random Things

kerrdelune said...

Harmony, just dropping in to ask how you are doing.

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