Saturday, February 24, 2007

Finding Water

One of the sugestions in the chapter 1 of Finding Water is to list five beautiful things

1 The Amaryllis in my parents front room
2 a green scarf
3 Gold Finches I saw sitting in the tree
4 The colors of my new set of paints
5 this painting painting

Friday, February 16, 2007

Starting Finding Water

Well its been a while since I’ve posted most of the time I’ve been staying at a friends apartment in Manhattan only drawback is the wireless connection Which does interfere with my bloging I’ve been going to acupuncture three times a week which has been making a difference for me.
Tomorrow is the beginning of the blogging group finding water at

I have hesitation over having signed up wondering if I will be able to keep up with the group. I have finished the first 28 pages the prologue and the Basics, reviewing artist dates, morning pages, and walks occasionally I still go on artist dates, I walk regularly but morning pages, I have let the morning pages completely slide they are always a challenge for me especially as I am not a morning person, but I will give them a try again.